Course description
About Psychology
As the psychology programs at CQUniversity have been accredited by the Australian Psychological Society, you are guaranteed that they will provide you with an extensive knowledge base in a number of areas of psychology. Importantly, the ongoing research activities of staff facilitate the integration of theoretical constructs with applied illustrations to foster a better understanding of the courses on offer.
Examples include:
*learning processes and human – animal interactions;
*social psychology and jury research;
*clinical psychology and motivation;
*developmental psychology and the prevention of suicide;
*research methods and gambling;
*lifespan psychology and aging; and
*forensic psychology and judicial sentencing.
Career Opportunities
Psychologists are employed in a wide range of fields, such as career counselling, clinical neuropsychology, clinical, child, counselling, educational, forensic, health, organisational and sports psychology, as well as in teaching and research. The majority of psychologists work in the private sector, although significant numbers are also employed by government departments and agencies.
Program Structure
To satisfy the requirements of the award, students must complete 48 units of credit as outlined in the course details.
As this is a professionally accredited program leading to registration as a Psychologist, students may only:
(1) defer their study for a period of one term during their enrolment in the program with the approval of the program coordinator;
(2) enrol twice in PSYC20032 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology A *; and
(3) fail and repeat only one of the 4 coursework components. A fail within a course includes withdrawal fail, WF and absent fail, AF.
Students enrolled in PSYC20032 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology A, who withdraw after the census date, or who do not successfully complete the requirements will be automatically withdrawn from PSYC20033 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology B.
* As noted in point 2 above, such students would have one further opportunity to successfully complete PSYC20032 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology A and PSYC20033 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology B.
Students may withdraw form PSYC20033 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology B with the approval of their supervisor and the Program Coordinator. These students must re-enrol in PSYC20033 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology B in the subsequent academic year term 2 in order to complete the original project proposed in PSYC20032 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology A without academic penalty.
Please note: PSYC20032 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology A is only available in term 1 and PSYC20033 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology B is only available in term 2.
Students who do not meet the above criteria will be withdrawn from the program.
Computing Requirements
It is a requirement of enrolment in the program that all students have access to the CQUniversity website via the Internet. Students will be expected to undertake various components of study in the program using email and the Internet.
Residential schools
For the 2 compulsory residential programs students should allow:
* three days for for PSYC20035 Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology , PSYC20031 Advanced Psychological Assessment and PSYC20032 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology A prior to the beginning of term 1; and
five days for PSYC20030 Advanced Data Analysis for Psychology, PSYC20034 Professional Practice of Cognitive Therapies and PSYC20033 Postgraduate Research Project in Psychology B prior to the beginning of term 2.
Check the Residential School timetable for details.
Term 1
PSYC20031 Advanced Psychological Assessment
PSYC20032 Post Graduate Research Project in Psychology A
PSYC20035 Ethics & Professional Issues in Psychology
Term 2
PSYC20034 Professional Practice of Cognitive Therapies
PSYC20033 Post Graduate Research Project in Psychology B
PSYC20030 Advanced Data Analysis for Psychology