Students will have the opportunity to learn practical skills, including: * Take an appropriate history from a child, adolescent or parent in emergency, ward or surgical settings; * Conduct effective physical examinations (e.g. gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiovascular, developmental, haematological, rheumatological, renal and respiratory systems); * Articulate and defend differential diagnoses; * Order appropriate investigations; * Interpret and appropriately communicate results; * Propose and articulate an appropriate management plan including appropriate medication; * Be able to communicate prognoses of common childhood conditions; * Explain and apply the aetiology of common childhood conditions with which children and adolescents present to RCH, including: asthma; febrile convulsions; failure to thrive/growth delay; developmental delay; cerebral palsy; infections in childhood; dehydration; anaemia; * Communicate effectively with children, adolescents, parents and health professional colleagues; * Demonstrate in practice an appreciation of their role as advocate for children; * Demonstrate in practice the importance of immunisation and other preventative health practice; * Demonstrate in practice, an appreciation of the complexity of the management of social factors for children with chronic illness; * Recognise and respond appropriately to a seriously ill child; * Observe and describe appropriate practice of paediatric procedures; and * Integrate the principles of evidence based medicine into clinical practice and contribute to the evidence based medicine literature.