Courses sitemap

Master of Business and Information Technology
Master of Clinical Research
Master of Commerce - Economics
Master of Community Cultural Development (by Coursework)
Master of Creative Writing (Coursework and Minor Thesis)
Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing
Master of Criminology (CWT)
Master of Development Studies (Gender & Development)
Master of Development Studies (CWT)
Master of Development Technologies
Master of Earth Science
Master of Education (Student Wellbeing)
Master of Educational Psychology
Master of Energy Studies
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Engineering Project Management
Master of Engineering Science (Development Technologies)
Master of Engineering Science (Energy Studies)
Master of Engineering Science (Engineering Management)
Master of Engineering Science (Engineering Project Management)
Master of Engineering Science (Environmental Coursework)
Master of Engineering Science (Water Resource Management)
Master of Engineering Science (Biomedical Engineering)
Master of Engineering Science (Engineering Structures)
Master of Engineering Structures
Master of Engineering in Distributed Computing
Master of English as an International Language
Master of Enterprise (Executive)
Master of Environment
Master of Environmental Engineering
Master of Epidemiology
Master of Finance
Master of Food Science
Master of Forest Science
Master of Geographic Information Technology
Master of Global Media Communication
Master of Health Sciences (Infant and Parent Mental Health) (Coursework)
Master of Information Technology
Master of Information Technology in Education (Stream 1)
Master of Information Technology in Education (Stream 1A)
Master of Information Technology in Education (Stream 1B)
Master of International Studies
Master of Islamic Studies
Master of Medicine (Paediatrics)
Master of Medicine (Radiology)
Master of Mining Engineering
Master of Modern Languages Education (Stream 100A) Coursework and Thesis A
Master of Modern Languages in Education (Stream 100B) Coursework
Master of Modern Languages in Education (Stream 150B) Coursework
Master of Modern Languages in Education (Stream 150A) Coursework & Thesis A
Master of Nursing Science
Master of Philosophy
Master of Planning and Design (Architectural History & Conservation) Coursework
Master of Planning and Design (Coursework)
Master of Psychiatry
Master of Public Policy and Management (Coursework)
Master of Publishing and Communications
Master of School Leadership
Master of Science (Biotechnology)
Master of Science (Environmental Science)
Master of Science (Management Science)
Master of Science - Biomedical and Health Sciences
Master of Science - Botany
Master of Science - Chemistry
Master of Science - Earth Sciences
Master of Sciences - Genetics
Master of Science - Information Systems
Master of Science - Mathematics and Statistics
Master of Science - Physics
Master of Science - Zoology
Master of Social Health (Aboriginal Health)
Master of Social Health (Health Ethics)
Master of Social Health (Health Policy)
Master of Social Health (Interdisciplinary)
Master of Social Health (Medical Anthropology)
Master of Social Policy
Master of Software Systems Engineering
Master of T.E.S.O.L. (Stream 100B) Coursework
Master of T.E.S.O.L.(Stream 100A) Coursework and Thesis A
Master of T.E.S.O.L. (Stream 150A) Coursework and Thesis A
Master of T.E.S.O.L. (Stream 150B) Coursework
Master of Telecommunications Engineering
Master of Tertiary Education Management
Master of Urban Design
Master of Urban Planning
Master of Veterinary Science
Master of Wood Science
Master of Youth Health and Education Management
Master of e-Forensics and Enterprise Security
Postgraduate Certificate in Arts (Editing and Communications)
Postgraduate Certificate in Biostatistics
Postgraduate Certificate in Food Science
Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems
Postgraduate Certificate in International Studies
Postgraduate Certificate in Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology)
Postgraduate Certificate in Music (Practical Music)
Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice
Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Care Nursing
Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Ethics
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (Sexual Health)
Postgraduate Diploma In Economics
Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Clinical Optometry (Distance Education Mode)
Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Science and Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Ancient and Medieval Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Anthropology and Social Theory)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Arabic)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Art History)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Asian Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Australian Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Chinese)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Cinema Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Classics)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Classical Studies and Archaeology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Creative Writing)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Criminology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Cultural Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Development Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (English)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Environmental Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (French)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Geography)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Gender Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (German)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (History)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (History and Philosophy of Science)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Indonesian)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (International Politics)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Islamic Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Italian)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Japanese)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Jewish Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Linguistics and Applied Linguistics)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Medieval & Renaissance Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Philosophy)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Political Science)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Public Policy and Management)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Renaissance and Early Modern Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Social Theory)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Socio-Legal Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Cultural Material Conservation)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Editing and Communications)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Media and Communication)
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Biostatistics
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Cultural Development Practice
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Arts
Postgraduate Diploma in Food Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Systems
Postgraduate Diploma in International Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (with specialisation)
Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Ethics
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Botany)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Chemistry)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Computer Science)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Earth Sciences)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Genetics)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (History and Philosophy of Science)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Mathematics and Statistics)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Medicine)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Microbiology and Immunology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Pathology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Pharmacology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Physics)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Physiology)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Vision Science)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy
Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design
Professional Certificate in Clinical Research
Professional Certificate in Education (Teaching Content through English)
Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Immunisation and Infectious Diseases)
Master of Clinical Nursing
Master of Communications
Master of Communications by Research
Master of Computer Consultancy
Master of Computer Science
Master of Computer Security
Master of Criminal Justice by Research
Master of Design
Master of Education
Master of Education
Master of Engineering Science
Master of Environmental Management
Master of Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning)
Certificate I in Spoken and Written English
Master of Human Resource Management
Master of International Business
Master of Management Information Systems
Master of Midwifery Practice
Master of Music
Master of Nurse Education
Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
Master of Nutrition & Dietetics
Master of Occupational Health and Safety
Master of Occupational Hygiene and Toxicology
Master of Occupational Therapy Practice
Master of Professional Accounting
Master of Professional Communications (Screen Studies)
Master of Professional Finance and Banking
Master of Professional Marketing
Master of Project Management
Master of Public Health
Master of Science (Computer Science)
Master of Science (Computer Security)
Master of Science (Information Science) By Research
University Certificate in Counselling Skills
University Preparation Course
Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems
Bachelor of Archaeology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)/(Finance)
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen)
Bachelor of Disability and Community Rehabilitation
Bachelor of Ecotourism
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary)/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary)/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Education (Middle School)/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education (Middle School)/Bachelor of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Education (Middle School)/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) / Master of Engineering (Biomedical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics)
Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) / Master of Engineering (Smart Instrumentation)
Bachelor of Engineering (Software)
Bachelor of Engineering Science
Bachelor of Environmental Management
Bachelor of Government and Public Management
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Paramedic)
Bachelor of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Health Sciences / Graduate Diploma in Environmental Health Practice
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Innovation and Enterprise (Science and Technology)
Bachelor of International Studies
Bachelor of International Tourism
Bachelor of Justice and Society
Diploma in Language
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate entry)
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice
Bachelor of Media (Creative Arts)
Bachelor of Media (Public Affairs)
Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Bachelor of Midwifery (Post-Registration)
Bachelor of Midwifery (Pre-Registration)
Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate entry)
Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Registration)
Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration) - Riverland
Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration)
Bachelor of Nursing (Re-Entry)
Bachelor of Nursing (Registered Nurse entry)
Bachelor of Nursing (Registered Midwife entry)
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) - an enhanced program for high achievers
Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Conservation
Bachelor of Science in Computing and Digital Media
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology (Honours)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelors of Social Work and Social Planning
Bachelor of Special Education
Bachelor of Speech Pathology
Bachelor of Technology (Aquaculture)
Bachelor of Technology (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry)
Bachelor of Theology
Master of Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Health
Graduate Diploma in Nursing
Master of Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Administration
Graduate Certificate in Health Administration
Graduate Diploma in Health Administration
Master of Health Administration
Master of Science (Health Administration)
Graduate Certificate in Applied Gerontology
Graduate Diploma in Applied Gerontology
Master of Applied Gerontology
Graduate Certificate in Applied History and Heritage Studies
Graduate Diploma in Applied History and Heritage Studies
Graduate Certificate in Applied Population Studies
Graduate Diploma in Applied Population Studies
Master of Applied Population Studies
Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies
Graduate Certificate in Archaeology
Graduate Diploma in Archaeology
Master of Archaeology
Master of Arts (Women's Studies)
Graduate Certificate in Asian Governance
Graduate Diploma in Asian Governance
Master of Asian Governance
Master of Audiology
Graduate Certificate in Australian Studies
Graduate Certificate in Biodiversity
Graduate Diploma in Biodiversity
Master of Biodiversity
Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology
Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology
Master of Biotechnology Studies
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Master of Business Administration
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Education
Master of Clinical Education
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Rehabilitation
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Rehabilitation
Master of Clinical Rehabilitation
Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts
Master of Creative Arts
Graduate Certificate in Cultural Heritage Management
Graduate Diploma in Cultural Heritage Management
Master of Cultural Heritage Management
Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies
Master of Disability Studies
Graduate Certificate in Education
Master of Education
Master of Education (Educational Research, Evaluation and Assessment)
Master of Education (Gifted Education)
Master of Education (Leadership and Management)
Master of Education (Social Justice in Education)
Master of Education (Special Education)
Master of Education (Studies of Asia)
Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Biomedical)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Biomedical)
Master of Engineering (Biomedical)
Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Smart Instrumentation)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Smart Instrumentation)
Master of Engineering (Smart Instrumentation)
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health (Risk Assessment)
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Health Practice
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management
Master of Environmental Management
Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (DNA Technology)
Graduate Diploma in Gender and Development
Graduate Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Analysis
Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems
Graduate Diploma in Geographical Information Systems
Graduate Certificate in Science (Groundwater Hydrology)
Graduate Diploma in Science (Groundwater Hydrology)
Master of Science (Groundwater Hydrology)
Master of Health and International Development
Master of Health Sciences (Pre-Hospital and Emergency Care)
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Master of Information Technology
Graduate Certificate in International Development
Graduate Diploma in International Development
Master of Arts (International Development)
Graduate Certificate in International Relations
Graduate Diploma in International Relations
Master of Arts (International Relations)
Graduate Certificate in Language
Graduate Diploma in Language
Master of Language Studies
Graduate Certificate in Language Teaching
Graduate Diploma in Language Teaching
Master of Laws (International Law and International Relations)
Graduate Certificate in Loss, Grief and Trauma Counselling
Graduate Certificate in Maritime Archaeology
Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology
Master of Maritime Archaeology
Master of Maritime Archaeology
Master of Mental Health Nursing
Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences
Master of Mental Health Sciences
Master of Midwifery
Graduate Certificate in Musculoskeletal Medicine (GradCertMuscMed)/Graduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine (GradDipMuscMed)
Graduate Certificate in Nanotechnology
Graduate Diploma in Nanotechnology
Master of Nanotechnology
Master of Natural History Film-Making
Graduate Certificate in Neuroscience (Learning)
Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
Graduate Certificate in Organisational Learning
Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Palliative Care
Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care
Master of Palliative Care
Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care in Aged Care
Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care in Aged Care
Master of Palliative Care in Aged Care
Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care
Master of Public Health
Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care in Developing Countries
Graduate Certificate in Professional Studies
Graduate Diploma in Psychology
Master of Psychology (Clinical)
Graduate Certificate in Public Policy
Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management
Graduate Diploma in Public Administration
Master of Public Administration (Policy)
Master of Public Administration (Management)
Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (Housing Management)
Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management)
Master of Public Administration (Housing Management)
Graduate Certificate in Public Health Research and Evaluation
Graduate Certificate in Religion and Ethics
Graduate Diploma in Religion and Ethics
Master of Arts (Religion and Ethics)
Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Management
Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Management
Master of Remote Health Management
Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice
Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice
Master of Remote Health Practice
Graduate Diploma in Chronic Condition Management
Master of Social Work
Graduate Diploma in Sociology
Master of Arts (Sociology)
Master of Speech Pathology
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)
Master of Teaching (Junior Primary/Primary)
Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Master of Teaching (Special Education)
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language
Graduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)
Master of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)
Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies
Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies
Master of Theological Studies
Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Biodiversity)
Master of Tourism
Graduate Certificate in Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management)
Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management)
Master of Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management)
Graduate Certificate in Tourism
Graduate Diploma in Tourism
Master of Tourism
Graduate Certificate in Water Resources Management
Graduate Diploma in Water Resources Management
Master of Water Resources Management
Bachelor of Environments (Architecture)
Bachelor of Environments (Civil Systems)
Bachelor of Environments (Construction)
Bachelor of Environments (Environmental Geographies, Politics & Cultures)
Bachelor of Environments (Environmental Science)
Bachelor of Environments (Geomatics)
Bachelor of Environements (Landscape Architecture)
Bachelor of Environments (Landscape Management)
Bachelor of Environments (Physical Systems (Environmental Engineering))
Bachelor of Environments (Property)
Bachelor of Environments (Urban Design and Planning)
Master of Architecture
Master of Construction Management
Master of Landscape Architecture
Master of Property
Postgraduate Diploma in Planning and Design
Graduate Diploma Planning & Design (Architectural History & Conservation)
Postgraduate Diploma in Planning & Design (Architecture History & Conservation)
Graduate Diploma in Property Valuation
Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies(Pathways Program)
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Teaching
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Bachelor of Teaching
Graduate Certificate in University Teaching
Graduate Certificate in University Management
Graduate Certificate in English as an International Language
Associate Degree in Vocational Education and Training
Bachelor of Animal Science
Bachelor of Applied Science (Library and Information Management)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Library and Information Management) / Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Applied Science (Viticulture)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science) / Bachelor of Applied Science (Viticulture)
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Acting for Screen and Stage)
Bachelor of Arts (Animation and Visual Effects)
Bachelor of Arts (Design for Theatre and Television)
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design)
Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) / Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) / Bachelor of Arts (Television Production)
Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia Arts) / Bachelor of Arts (Television Production)
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