Courses sitemap

Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery
Graduate Diploma of Nursing Practice
Master of Midwifery
Master of Nursing Practice
Master of Applied Science
Doctor of Business Administration
Graduate Certificate of Research Commercialisation
Bachelor of Biological Science
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Forensic Science
Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours)
Science and Technology Non-Award Enrolment - Postgraduate Domestic
Science and Technology Non-Award Enrolment - Undergrad Domestic
Bachelor of Sport Development
Bachelor of Education - 4th Year Mathematics Conversion
Graduate Certificate of Education
Graduate Certificate of Education (Professional Development)
Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Educational Needs)
Graduate Certificate of Higher Education
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
Master of Education
Master of Education (Special Educational Needs)
Bachelor of Construction Management (International Students)
Bachelor of Construction Management/Bachelor of Facilities Management (International Students)
Bachelor of Design (Architecture) (International Students)
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management (International Students)
Bachelor of Facilities Management (Honours) (International Students)
Bachelor of Property and Real Estate (International Students)
Bachelor of Property and Real Estate (Honours)
Graduate Diploma of Property Valuation (International Students)
Master of Architecture (International Students)
Master of Architecture (Design) (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Architecture (Local Students)
Master of Construction Management (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts (International Studies)/Bachelor of Commerce (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communication) (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts (Professional and Creative Writing) (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations) (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management (International Students)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) (International Students)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) (International Students)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Graphic Design) (International Students)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts) (International Students)
Bachelor of Criminology (International Students)
Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws (International Students)
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (International Students)
Bachelor of Film and Digital Media (International Students)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) (International Students)
Bachelor of Management - Psychology (International Students)
Bachelor of Management (International Students)
Bachelor of Psychology (International Students)
Bachelor of Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Social Work (International Students)
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) (International Students)
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) (International Students)
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Children's Literature (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Cultural Heritage (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Film and Video (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of International Relations (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of International and Community Development (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Journalism (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Literary Studies (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Media and Communication (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Motion Capture (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Politics and Policy (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Professional Writing (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Public Relations (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Children's Literature (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Cultural Heritage (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Film and Video (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of International Relations (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of International and Community Development (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Journalism (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Literary Studies (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Media and Communication (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Museum Studies (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Planning (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Politics and Policy (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Professional Writing (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Public Relations (International Students)
Master of Arts (International Relations) (International Students)
Master of Arts (International Relations)/Master of International Business (International Students)
Master of Arts (Writing and Literature) (International Students)
Master of Communication (International Students)
Master of Cultural Heritage (International Students)
Master of Cultural Heritage (Honours) (International Students)
Master of Film and Video (International Students)
Master of International and Community Development (International Students)
Master of Planning (International Students)
Master of Politics and Policy (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Arts (International Students)
Master of Psychology (Clinical) (International Students)
Bachelor of Business Information Systems (International Students)
Bachelor of Commerce (International Students)
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) (International Students)
Bachelor of Commerce - Sport Management (International Students)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (International Students)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce (International Students)
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of Commerce (International Students)
Bachelor of Management - Hospitality (International Students)
Bachelor of Management - Tourism (International Students)
Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Laws (International Students)
Doctor of Business Administration (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Accounting (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Arts and Entertainment Management (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration - CIMA (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Commerce (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Commercial Law (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Corporate Management (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Finance (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Information Systems (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of International Business (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Marketing (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Accounting (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Commerce (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Financial Services (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Information Systems (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of International Business (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of International Finance (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Management (International Students)
Master of Accounting Information Systems (International Students)
Master of Arts and Entertainment Management (International Students)
Master of Business (Sport Management) (International Students)
Master of Business Administration (International Students)
Master of Business Administration - CIMA (International Students)
Master of Business Administration (International) (International Students)
Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of Commerce (International Students)
Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of Information Systems (International Students)
Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of International Finance (International Students)
Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of Professional Accounting (International Students)
Master of Business Administration/Master of Commerce (International Students)
Master of Business Administration/Master of Commercial Law (International Students)
Master of Commerce (International Students)
Master of Commerce/Master of Commercial Law (International Students)
Master of Commerce/Master of Information Systems (International Students)
Master of Commerce/Master of International Business (International Students)
Master of Commercial Law (International Students)
Master of Engineering/Master of Business Administration (International) (International Students)
Master of Information Systems (International Students)
Master of Information Technology/Master of Commerce (International Students)
Master of Information Technology/Master of Information Systems (International Students)
Master of International Business (International Students)
Master of International Finance (International Students)
Master of Laws (International Students)
Master of Marketing (International Students)
Master of Professional Accounting (International Students)
Master of Professional Accounting/Master of Commerce (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Commerce (International Students)
Master of Economics (International Students)
Master of Laws - Major Thesis (International Students)
Business and Law Non-Award Enrolment - Postgraduate International (International Students)
Business and Law Non-Award Enrolment - Undergraduate International (International Students)
Master of Arts (Creative Enterprise) (International Students)
Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Scholars Program) (International Students)
Bachelor of Engineering (International Students)
Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Information Technology (International Students)
Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Water Resources Management (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Engineering (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Water Resources Management (International Students)
Master of Biotechnology (International Students)
Master of Biotechnology (Honours) (International Students)
Master of Engineering (International Students)
Master of Engineering (Professional) (International Students)
Master of Engineering/Master of Information Technology (International Students)
Master of Water Resources Management (International Students)
Postgraduate Qualifying Program (Engineering) (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Engineering (International Students)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management) (International Students)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) (International Students)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Marine Biology) (International Students)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) (International Students)
Bachelor of Teaching (Science)/Bachelor of Science (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Occupational Hygiene (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Natural and Cultural Resource Management (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hygiene (International Students)
Master of Occupational Hygiene, Safety and Environment (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Science (International Students)
Master of Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Education (Primary) (International Students)
Bachelor of Education - 4th Year (International Students)
Bachelor of Physical Education (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Education (Educational Leadership and Administration) (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Education (Applied Learning) (International Students)
Master of Education (International Students)
Master of Education (Educational Leadership and Administration) (International Students)
Master of Education (Special Educational Needs) (International Students)
Master of Professional Education and Training (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Arts (International Students)
Master of Arts - Education (International Students)
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (International Students)
Master of Psychology (Industrial and Organisational) (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Applied Science (International Students)
Master of Applied Science (International Students)
Master of Arts (International Students)
Master of Science (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (International Students)
Master of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) (International Students)
Master of Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (International Students)
Bachelor of Business Information Systems/Bachelor of Information Technology (International Students)
Bachelor of Information Technology (International Students)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Multimedia Technology) (International Students)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Science and Software Development) (International Students)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Games Design and Development) (International Students)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Information Technology (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (International Students)
Master of Information Technology (International Students)
Master of Information Technology (Professional) (International Students)
Postgraduate Qualifying Program (Information Technology) (International Students)
Bachelor of Laws (International Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (International Students)
Master of Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Biological Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Forensic Science (International Students)
Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours) (International Students)
Science and Technology Non-Award Enrolment - Postgraduate International (International Students)
Science and Technology Non-Award Enrolment - Undergraduate International (International Students)
Bachelor of Sport Development (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Education (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Educational Needs) (International Students)
Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary) (International Students)
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary) (International Students)
Master of Education (Teaching Languages other than English) (International Students)
Associate Degree of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Systems
Bachelor of Digital Innovation
Bachelor of Information Technology (Co-op)
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Multimedia Studies- International campuses only
Bachelor of Aviation Technology
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business (Specialisation)
Bachelor of Property
Diploma of Business
Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Professional Practice
Bachelor of Business/Diploma of Professional Practice
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Specialisation)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Financial Planning
Bachelor of Financial Planning/Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Business (Specialisation)/Bachelor of Professional Communication
Bachelor of Arts (Specialisation)
Bachelor of Professional Communication
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Psychology
Associate Degree of Learning Management
Diploma of Learning Design
Associate Degree of Learning Design
Bachelor of Applied Physics/Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and VET)
Bachelor of Learning Design
Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and Vocational Education and Training)
Bachelor of Learning Management (Early Childhood)
Bachelor of Learning Management (Primary)
Bachelor of Learning Management (Japanese)
Associate Degree of Building Surveying
Bachelor of Building Surveying and Certification
Bachelor of Construction Management
Associate Degree of Building Design
Bachelor of Building Design
Bachelor of Creative Enterprise
Diploma of Creative Enterprise
Associate Degree of Creative Enterprise
Bachelor of Music (Specialisation)
Bachelor of Theatre (Specialisation)
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Co-op)/Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Specialisation)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Specialisation)
Associate Degree of Mine Technology (Specialisation)
Associate Degree of Mine Operations Management (Specialisation)
Associate Degree of Geoscience
Associate Degree of Engineering
Bachelor of Health (Nursing) Post-Registration
Bachelor of Health Promotion
Associate Degree of Workplace Health and Safety
Bachelor of Environmental Health
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety
Bachelor of Human Movement Science
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Bachelor of Applied Physics
Bachelor of Applied Physics (Co-op)/Diploma of Professional Practice (Physics)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Biology, Industrial Chemistry)
Master of Creative Enterprise (Specialisation)
Graduate Certificate in Creative Enterprise (Specialisation)
Graduate Diploma of Creative Enterprise (Specialisation)
Graduate Diploma of Management
Graduate Diploma of Financial Management
Master of Management (International Business)
Master of Business Administration
Master of Management (Human Resources)
Master of Management (Marketing)
Master of Financial Management
Master of Professional Accounting
Master of Professional Accounting (Non Graduate Entry)
Graduate Certificate in Management
Graduate Certificate in Education
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Graduate Certifice of Teritary Education
Graduate Certificate in Religious Education
Graduate Certificate in Science (Specialisation)
Master of Learning Management (Specialisation)
Graduate Diploma of Learning Management (Specialisation)
Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching
Graduate Diploma of Railway Signalling
Graduate Certificate in Railway Signalling
Master of Process Management
Master of Rail Operations Management
Graduate Certificate in Power Generation
Graduate Diploma of Power Generation
Master of Engineering (Power Generation)
Master of Railway Signalling
Master of Maintenance Management
Graduate Certificate in Maintenance Management
Graduate Diploma of Maintenance Management
Graduate Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety
Master of Clinical Practice (Specialisation)
Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
Master of Midwifery
Master of Occupational Health and Safety
Master of Letters
Master of Clinical Psychology
Graduate Diploma of Psychology
Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology
Graduate Diploma of Information Systems Management
Master of Information Technology
Master of Information Systems
Master of Water Resources Management
Graduate Diploma of Water Resources Management
Graduate Certificate in Water Resources Management
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
Graduate Diploma of Environmental Management
Master of Environmental Management
Graduate Diploma of Environmental Management
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)
Tertiary Entry Program
STEPS Accelerated
STEPS Extended
STEPS External
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Biology) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Chemistry) (Honours)
Bachelor of Applied Physics (Honours)
Bachelor of Human Movement Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety (Honours)
Bachelor of Health Promotion (Honours)
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
Bachelor of Multimedia Studies (Honours)
Associate Degree in Applied Science (Parks, Recreation and Heritage)
Associate Degree in Applied Science (Winegrowing)
Associate Degree in Business Studies [exit point only] Bachelor of Business Studies University Certificate in Business Studies
Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic)
Bachelor of Educational Studies, University Certificate in Educational Studies, Associate Degree in Educational Studies [exit point only]
Bachelor of Health Science (Leisure and Health)
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
Bachelor of Health and Rehabilitation Science
Bachelor of Arts (Jewellery)
Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
Associate Degree in Policing Practice
Bachelor of Social Science (Emergency Management)
Associate Degree in Vocational Education and Training
Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management
Bachelor of Animal Science
Bachelor of Applied Science (Adventure Ecotourism)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Library and Information Management)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Library and Information Management) / Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks, Recreation and Heritage)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Viticulture)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science) / Bachelor of Applied Science (Viticulture)
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Acting for Screen and Stage)
Bachelor of Arts (Animation and Visual Effects)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication – Advertising)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication – Advertising) / Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication - Commercial Radio)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication - Journalism)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication - Public Relations and Organisational Communication)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication – Public Relations and Organisational Communication) / Bachelor of Business Studies
Bachelor of Arts (Communication – Theatre/Media)
Bachelor of Arts (Design for Theatre and Television)
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design)
Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) / Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) / Bachelor of Arts (Television Production)
Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia Arts) / Bachelor of Arts (Television Production)
Bachelor of Arts (Photography) / Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design)
Bachelor of Arts (Photography) / Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology major)
Bachelor of Arts (Television Production)
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
Bachelor of Business (Banking)
Bachelor of Business (Business Management)
Bachelor of Business (Applied Finance)
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Business (Insurance)
Bachelor of Business (International Business Management)
Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
Bachelor of Business (Tourism Management)
Bachelor of Business Administration - with specialisations
Bachelor of Business Studies - TAFE integrated program
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic) - Canada
Bachelor of Clinical Science
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Computer Science (Games Technology)
Bachelor of Dental Science
Bachelor of Ecological Agriculture
Bachelor of Education (Birth to 5 Years)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)
Bachelor of Education (K-12 Middle Schooling)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Education (Technology and Applied Studies)
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Bachelor of Equine Science
Bachelor of Exercise Science
Bachelor of Exercise Science / Bachelor of Business Studies
Bachelor of Exercise Science /Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)
Bachelor of Forensic Biotechnology
Bachelor of General Studies (Science)
Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine)
Bachelor of Health Science (Food and Nutrition)
Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health)
Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing)
Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)
Bachelor of Health Science (Speech Pathology)
Bachelor of Horticulture
Bachelor of Industry Computing
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology (Business Services)
Information Technology - TAFE integrated programs
Bachelor of Justice Studies (Policing)
Bachelor of Management
Bachelor of Media Communication
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) – conversion course
Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Medical Science / Bachelor of Forensic Biotechnology
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing Science
Bachelor of Nursing (by distance education)
Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic)
Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy / Hygiene)
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor of Podiatry
Bachelor of Policing
Bachelor of Policing (Investigations)
Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) - with specialisations
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business Information Systems
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)
Bachelor of Midwifery
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